How To Guide Manage Impacts Cover

How to Identify a Company's Major Impacts - and Manage Them

by Mandy Cormack (June 2012)

Identifying and prioritizing the management of impacts is an essential pre-condition for companies to improve their sustainability performance. Author and Centre Fellow, Mandy Cormack, details a 3-step approach to managing impacts: getting started; raising your game; and getting up with the best. 

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How To Guide Engaging Employees Cover
Engaging Employees in Corporate Responsibility

by Nadine Exter (June 2011)

Many organisations have told us that creating a workforce that is continuously engaged in corporate responsibility would be the single biggest enabler from them successfully delivering their CR strategy. Engagement is a two-way process - in this guide we describe a four-step process as a loose framework for you to explore and answer why, what and how you engage your employees.

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Supporting Corporate Responsibility Performance Through Effective Knowledge Management

Melody McLaren in association with Professor J C Spender (January 2011)

Companies face increasing pressures to account for their operational impacts on society, amplified by the exponential growth of the internet and calls for transparency by consumers, investors, media, NGOs, government and other stakeholders in the wide community. This how-to guide is based on interviews with skilled CR practitioners and is intended to provide practical guidance for managing the information challenges that arise from working in the complex and uncertain world that exists both in and outside organisations.

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 How To Guide CR Governance cover The Governance of Corporate Responsibility

by Heiko Spitzeck (March 2010)

This guide aims to explain how to integrate CR and sustainability issues within the governance framework of an organisation, providing some answers from CR leaders as well as outlining some potential pitfalls.

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How To Guide - Guide to Guides cover
The Doughty Centre 'Guide to Guides': A guide to useful CR/sustainability' How to embed CR' guides

by Nadine Exter (October 2009)

Busy managers need well researched and practical syntheses of 'how-to'. The guides reviewed in this publication provide advice or insight specifically into the discipline of CR.

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How To Guide Stakeholder Engagement cover
Stakeholder Engagement: A Road Map to Meaningful Engagement

by Neil Jeffrey (July 2009)

This guide seeks to identify, explore and elaborate the essential elements of meaningful relations and the concomitant internal environment in an organisation that most enhances its ability to obtain value from NGO and community stakeholder relationships.

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Corporate Responsibility Champions Network: A 'How-to' Guide. 

(February 2009)

This guide aims to show the what, why, and how of a CR champion and related networks. CR champions are emerging as a powerful tool available for embedding CR philosophy into an organisation, proving critical in the process of embedding CR. They play a strategic role, committed to causing change and to continuing the work in the long-term. A CR champion network takes time and effort to build but the use of champions, as one within a number of tactics to embed CR, has several clear advantages: by working directly with staff on initiatives champions can engage staff and become themselves more committed; champions connect divisions and regions, thus finding and propagating best CR practices and ideas; and they allow for a credible two-way interface between global and local in international companies.

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