Rurban Revolution is an interdisciplinary project focused on understanding the transformative potential of urban greening and food growing, in order to develop solutions for a healthier, more sustainable and resilient food system.
  • DatesApril 2019 to September 2021
  • SponsorGlobal Food Security’s ‘Resilience of the UK Food System Programme’, with support from BBSRC, ESRC, NERC and the Scottish Government.
  • Funded£647K (total)
  • PartnersLancaster University (lead research organisation), University of Liverpool

The project brings together expertise in ecosystems, psychology, plant sciences and supply chains to build an interdisciplinary evidence base on how urban green spaces and fruit and vegetable growing potentially influence:

  • Healthy and sustainable diets by improving availability, access and consumption of fruit and vegetables;
  • Food production in terms of quantity, quality and safety and the resilience of the UK food system;
  • Ecosystem service delivery in urban and peri-urban areas.

Impact and findings

Our research has shown that engagement in food growing activities is associated with healthier diets and more ethical food choices.  .

A citizen science experiment run during the COVID-19 lockdown (Lockdown Lettuce Beds) involved 60 participants from across Bedfordshire that were provided with a lettuce-growing kit and were asked to grow some lettuces in their garden, monitor their progress and the challenges they were facing, as well as general measures of their health and wellbeing. This study also analysed the soil and air quality of their locations, as well as the safety and quality parameters of the produce they grew.

Further information