We have world-recognised expertise in explosives and munitions with staff in this area coming from a variety of backgrounds including academia, industry, research and government establishments. As acknowledged experts in the field, we are frequently approached by government, commercial and media organisations for assistance and advice.

We have well equipped chemical laboratories where new materials can be synthesised. Our comprehensive range of analytical facilities enables the analysis and characterisation of a wide range of materials including explosives, fuels, polymers, radioactive materials, metals and non-metals.

Our munitions expertise includes munitions design and optimisation and encompasses and links to expertise in sensors and fuzing. Our expertise includes extensive knowledge and assessment capability for munitions systems and warheads including lethal mechanisms within systems from large calibre weapons to small arms, munitions, IEDs, mines.

Our academic disciplines span key aspects of explosives and munitions including science and technology of explosives, explosives safety and legislation and explosives safety and handling. All aspects of synthesis, characterisation and qualification of explosives are undertaken and made available via our expertise. 

Example capabilities include:

  • Organic Synthesis of energetic materials and energetic polymers up to 50 grams, pilot scale nitration apparatus;
  • Full chemical characterisation facilities, i.e. NMR, FTIR, UV/Vis, Raman, DSC, TGA, DTA, GC, HPLC, MS;
  • ISO 17025 accredited (June 2011) chemical analysis facilities.

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Our research is highly regarded internationally and our academics are called upon to undertake progressive research projects and to provide impartial, expert advice on their subjects. Our approach to research and consultancy projects is flexible. While our main areas of research are defence and security, we often apply our knowledge to other sectors or to bring together multidisciplinary teams combining the skills of a number of academic areas.

Our research influences and informs the global defence and security sector. Forged through a distinctive blend of expertise, experience and facilities, we are leaders in defence and security research.

Work with us

There are a variety of ways in which your organisation can engage and work with us. Cranfield can provide real-world solutions that support and inform your operations, products and services. To highlight a few of the ways that you can work with us:

• Provision of expert advice
• Sponsor a PhD student research project
• Commission a research project
• Collaborate on an research activity or project
• Provision of support to a Masters project
• Commission a customised development programme, tailored to the requirements of your organisation
• Commission a consultancy project.